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Thursday, November 5, 2015

Halloween 2015

Trick-or-treating in our area fell on the day of our move out of the Sullivan Street house (October 29th - Thursday).  Me, Gracie and Audra roamed our neighborhood for the last time - it was a beautiful evening for trick-or-treating and Grace managed to get about 8 pounds of candy.  On Saturday, October 31st we went to Audra's stomping grounds in Duncannan and went trick-or-treating with Crystal, Adam, Iris and Jullian and Gracie managed to get a few more pounds of candy.  Below are a few pics.
Gracie - Girly Police Officer
Trick-or-Treating in Mechanicsburg

Me and Gracie


Grace being stingy with the candy!

Trick-or-Treating in Duncannon




My pretty girl!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Goodbye to Sullivan Street...Hello Lee Ann Court

Well it's been a long three months, but it's finally done!  October 30th was the sale of our house and the purchase of my townhouse.  We lived at the house on Sullivan Street for close to 15 years...sad to say goodbye, but looking forward to a new beginning.

A Gift From Dad

October 17th was my birthday and my dad sent me this beautiful necklace. 
With all the change I've encountered the past year, it was a very suiting gift.
(On the front it reads)
Learn from for today...hope for tomorrow
(On the back it reads)
Live the life you love

A Gift From My Sister

NY Ranger necklace from my sister Hollie for my birthday!