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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Baseball Appreciation Day

On Saturday, June 12th we attended Jacob's Baseball Appreciation Day at Adams Ricci park where he and his team mates received participation medals. Afterward I took some pictures of my dad (Pop Pop), Grace and Jacob and they all enjoyed some ice cream - it was a very very hot day!

Georgie Graduates from High School

Georgie not only turned 18 on May 29th but 2 weeks later he graduated high school and is moving on to the next chapter in his life. I am so excited for him. He will be leaving for college at the end of August. He will be attending West Chester Univeristy (near Philly). He was accepted into their Athletics Training Program - we are so proud of him.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Getting Ready for Graduation at the Forum - Downtown Harrisburg

My dad came up from North Carolina for Lil' G's graduation. It was a nice visit and we are hoping to do that again real soon. We had a busy weekend with graduation and Jake's Baseball Appreciation Day and on Sunday June 13th we had an early Father's Day celebration for my dad - George made steak and we had jumbo crab legs - it was a great dinner and like I said a nice visit. I am excited that I am heading down to North Caroline on July 1st to spend the holiday weekend with my dad and get some stuff done around his house - I am looking forward to the trip.