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Thursday, August 23, 2012

New Kids on the Block v. Backstreet Boys Rock & Jock Softball Game

This past Sunday (August 19th) I took the kids over to City Island (Harrisburg, PA) to see the New Kids on the Block/Backstreet Boys softball game.  Tix were only $10 a person so I figured what the heck. Sadly, my kids had no idea who New Kids on the Block or the Backstreet Boys were.  My girlfriend Kat also came along - back in the day she was a huge fan of NKOTB. I really didn't follow either of the bads but a few of the guys that are in the bands are relatively easy on the eyes. The pics did not come out that great- I took them with my phone and we were too far away to get a decent shot.

 Me & Kat
 Kat, Gracie & Jake (well 1/2 of Jake's face)
Gracie & Jacob
 AJ (Backstreet Boys)
 Donny Walburg (NKOTB)
Joey McIntyre (NKOTB)
Me and my babies - Jacob & Gracie