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Friday, July 17, 2009

Summer Time Fun

The kids are out of school and summer is just trucking along. Lil' Georgie has been watching Jacob and Gracie during the summer for some extra cash and plus it's a great help to me and George (my hubby). He has taken them bowling a few times, but they seem to be very occupied with their neighborhood friends these days. No complaints from me. I am so use to getting home from work and having Gracie standing there waiting on me with a big hug and kiss and now I am lucky if she waves to me while she is across the street at her friends house. I took the kids to Hershey Park a few weeks ago - my nephew James came down for a two-week visit so we thought it would be nice to take the kids to HP - they had a blast and it was James/Gracies first time on a rollercoaster (well...a big one) and they did great - it was quite entertaining - we all have a wonderful time.

Gracie's bday -