How blessed was I to be part of something so wonderful? The Breast Cancer 3-Day/60 Mile Walk (in Philadelphia, PA) has come and gone and it was overall a pretty awesome event. It had its ups and downs, but for the most part, I can't say I have ever been a part of something so incredible and I owe a big thanks to family, friends and even strangers that contributed to the cause and allowed me to be part of something pretty incredible. I have posted some pictures to share. No, not all of them - I took over 150 pictures so I just posted a few.
The majority of the walk I was with my buddy Amy - we did it together and my other teammates (Jen and Linda) walked ahead of us and on their own. The two nights we spent in the tent were cold and I must say "I HATED IT" - it was my very first time ever sleeping outdoors in a tent and it was everything I EXPECTED - nothing like waking up in the morning to 37 degrees of nothing but COLD smacking you in the face.
It was a long journey just getting to the big event between fundraising and training and I must say, it was all worth it. Over 8 million dollars was raised and over $13,000 of it was raised by The Harrisburg Hikers - a wonderful accomplishment. Would I do it again? Yes, if I could stay in a hotel rather than sleep in a tent!