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Friday, February 25, 2011

Girl Scouts Cookies

We just wanted to post a note thanking our family and friends who purchased Girl Scout cookies from Gracie this year. We don't have family locally and it's really hard to sell Girl Scout cookies in the local area because "everyone" is selling them so we just set a goal to sell 25 boxes but ended up selling 50 boxes. Thanks to all.

Jump Rope for Heart - Way to Go Jacob

Just a note of thanks to family and friends who helped Jacob raise money for Jump Rope for Heart. A little story: A few weeks ago it was freezing cold outside, windy, wet, snowy etc...and of course Jacob was out in kids love the snow and cold weather for some reason (nothing like their mommy). After being outside for about 2 hours and me wondering where the heck he was he comes into the house with his cheeks all red, nose is all runny, sneakers wet, bottom of his sweat pants soaked and I go "where the heck have you been" (yes...I was a little peeved) - all excited he goes "I was out getting donations for Jump Rope for Heart with Zach...." Now he knew my next question and before I could say anything he goes "daddy knew I was going" - I was so proud of the fact that he made an effort to raise money on his own other then relying on his webpage. Between neighborhood donations, webpage donations and donations made from family and friends he raised $440. Yes...we are very proud.