It's new beginnings for all three of my babies. Georgie started 11th grade this year, Jacob 2nd grade and Gracie has been moved up from the "Bears" room to the "Lions" room at the Child Development Center which will prepare her for kindergarten next year. All in all, the first morning of school went much smoother than I thought it would go. I made sure to be up bright and early just in case I had any temper-tantrums to deal with. Georgie is perfectly capable of getting himself up, ready and out the door in the mornings, but it's the mother in me that feels she needs to check on him and make sure he is awake and ready for his "first day of school morning pictures" - Yes, I have this thing with preserving moments and the first day of school is always a very big deal "for me". Georgie is a trooper and never complains about the picture taking though.

Jake was up early eating his huge bowl of cereal, getting dressed, brushing his teeth and moaning and groaning "do I have to go to school". "Yes, Jacob, it's the law - you have to go to school". Now for Gracie - never a dull moment in the house when it comes to Gracie because she wants to sleep in, watch Curious George and Clifford and then wants "me" to get her dressed at her leisure. Just her being lazy of course, so I assist her with getting dressed as long as she does not give me attitude when it comes to brushing her teeth and doing her hair. She is very stubborn, I am not quite sure where she gets that from (hee hee). Georgie left rather early for school and I walked Jacob to the bus stop for picture taking with the "bus stop crowd" - I watched him get on the bus, sit down, look out the window with his beautiful blue eyes as he waved to me and worded "I love you" to me as the bus drove away. God, I love being a mom!