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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

2011 Happenings

Well 2011 is off to a good start so far. Gracie has recently started dance and seems to be enjoying it. So between dance and Daisys she seems to be pretty content. Jacob is doing great in karate and is now participating in what they call "fight night" on Wednesday evenings - so he is at karate 4 nights a week and soon will be starting baseball as well so he is going to have his plate pretty full come March. School is going well for all three kids. Georgie is done with winter break and back at West Chester and Jacob and Gracie's holiday break ended shortly after new years and they are back to their normal school routine. I am in the process of planning this years vacations/trips/activities. We are hoping to go down to see Pop Pop in North Carolina again. The kids had a wonderful time last summer in NC and love spending time with their Pop Pop (let's face it...he spoils the heck out of them!). I might even take a trip to North Carolina without the kidos and spend some quality time with my dad all by myself. I also might be attending my 25th high school reunion in August which will be back on Long Island. I am excited, but nervous at the same time about that trip. If I decide to go I want to see some family - especially my grandmother (it's been a long time since I have seen her and the rest of the fam). I will also be taking another roadtrip to West Virginia to see my sister. I saw her a few months ago and would love to be able to go back and see her again. The drive to West Virginia was just beautiful and my buddy Audie said she would make the roadtrip with me again. My buddy Carlos and his family plan on coming up from Florida for a visit in June - I am very's been a long time since I have seen them and we will be visiting Hershey Park when they come. Not sure what all hubby has planned for this year. I was hoping he might meet up with some old Navy friends from back in the day - I guess that's up in the air right now. Right now, we are all getting ready for the Super Bowl - very exciting time for all of us. Steelers v. Green Bay on January 30th - we are counting down the days - GO STEELERS.


Steelers v. Greenbay Packers - Sunday, February 6, 2011

Update: Sadly the Steelers lost to Greenbay - maybe next year!