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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 2011 Family Update

I blog every few weeks (OK...sometimes months) with updates of what's going on in the Clapper household. Between karate, dance, Daisys, CCD (and baseball as of next week) we are on the go quite often these days. As of May things should slow down with Daisys and CCD ending for the year. Lil' George was home this past weekend for spring break. Unfortunately, I did not get to see too much of him because as I was coming home from work he was leaving the house to go hangout with friends but I did get to spend some quality time with him on the drive back to West Chester on Sunday. It's still hard dropping him off at school and leaving. Gracie was home sick last week (the entire week) with pneumonia - poor baby girl was so sick and ran a fever for nearly five days. Fortunately, the antibiotic that the doctor put her on kicked in after about 48 hours and she started feeling much better.

Lent stared last week and so did the countdown until Easter. We went to church and received our ashes and all decided to make some positive changes during the course of the next 40 days. Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day - my favoritest day of the year (LOL). I will be taking a half day off of work and hitting a few pubs with some friends - it should be a nice time. Hey, let's face it, anytime away from work is a good time. I will also be taking the kids to the St.Patrick's Day parade on Saturday so I am hoping to take some updated pictures and will post them as soon as I can.