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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Stanley Cup Playoffs 2014

HOW SWEET IT WAS! Yes, the NY Rangers not only knocked the Philadelphia Flyers out of the playoffs but they also beat the Pittsburgh Penguins last night to move forward to the third round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs.  Go Rangers!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

West Chester University - Georgie's Graduation

May 10, 2014 - Well my son did it...he's officially a college graduate. He got his BA in Sociology.  The forecast called for rain/thunderstorms all day. I said a little prayer to my mom (who I know was there watching) to help us out with the weather and it ended up sunny and HOT!  Thank you mom!  Below are some pics....

 Me, Georgie, Jake & Gracie
 My Son!
 Chris, Zach & Georgie
Commencement Program

Wildwood State Park - Mother's Day 2014

It was way too nice to sit around the house on Mother's Day so I took the kids over to Wildwood State Park for a nice 2+ hour walk.  I don't think they will be going to the park with me again any time soon! LOL.....


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mom...Happy Mother's Day In Heaven

Missing you mom....sure wish I could give you a great big hug right now - cause I really need one!
Always in my thoughts and prayers.....
