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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Farewell to Summer....

Well yesterday marked the start of another school year. Gracie is now in 5th grade and has moved over to the "middle" school and Jacob is in 8th grade...hard  to believe he will be in "high school" next year.  My babies are growing up fast. Lil' George moved back home in May after graduating from West Chester University and landed a job with Sam's Club (Team Leader) and recently bought a new car (Chevy Malibu - very nice!).  This summer we did not take a big vacation.  I normally head down to North Carolina to visit my dad, but it wasn't doable this year.  We did manage to get home to Altoona to visit the family over the 4th of July holiday and Gracie stayed an with my in-laws for about two weeks...Jacob opted to come back home and play video games! In other words, he did nothing this summer - actually he did go camping with his friend Baily and his family. We managed to hit Hershey Park this month (ugh...4 rides in 6 hours - need I say more?).  I do love rollercoasters but waiting on line for 70 minutes to get on a ride is not my idea of fun. I think the best time to hit HP is during Halloween.  We went the day after Halloween last year and hit all the rides and had a blast!  Labor Day weekend I am heading home to Long Island with Lil' George for a family wedding and that will wrap up our summer.  I must admit while I'm sad to see summer go, I am looking forward to the fall (it's my favorite time of the year).  I love Halloween, Thanksgiving and who doesn't love Christmas?  So Oct, Nov & Dec are my favorite months of the year.  Below are some pics I took of Jake and Grace yesterday morning before they headed out to school. 
First Day of School
(Jake 8th grade - Grace 5th grade)