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Friday, August 17, 2012

First Front Tooth GONE!

Gracie loses her first front tooth (July 2012)
(She's still beautiful!)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Jacob Turns 11

I believe birthday parties are finally behind me...YES!!! Both kids had sleepovers this year and it was much easier then having a birthday party.  This year Jake invited two of his friends for a sleepover and George took the kids to see the new Batman movie and for some pizza. The boys pretty much gamed the night away on XBOX.

Hershey Park Fun - July 28, 2012

My firm's annual summer event was at Hershey Park this year.  It was a scortching hot day but me and the kids had a great time. I even got to go on a few rollercoasters with the kids. I've yet to get on few of the newer roller coasters - the lines were too long and Gracie was too small too :( All in all, it was a nice day out with the kids.