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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Lions Tigers & Bears "Oh My"

We recently attended the "End of the Summer Bash" at Gracie's daycare center (Child Development Center). It was a farewell to Ms. Gina, who was with the center directorfor eight years and is moving on to another position out of state. Jacob along with Gracie and her friends from various different rooms at the center (Lions, Tigers, Bears, Kittens, Racoons etc.) all seemed to have a blast eating all the delicious home-made food and desserts, playing in the sandbox and on the swings, dancing and just having a wonderful time with each other. Gracie recently graduated from the "Bears" room to the "Lions" room which will prepare her for kindergarten next year. I cannot believe that this time next year my baby girl will be in kindergarten but most of all I cannot believe I will NO LONGER HAVE TO MAKE DAYCARE PAYMENTS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE - WAHOOOOOO.