Um...this never happens - Moose (Yorkie) was sleeping and Bandit decided he was going to squeeze in with him and catch some zzz's. That lasted a whole 60 seconds and Moose was up and out of there. I managed to catch a snapshot of the moment because I'm sure that will never happen again :)
NO, I AM NOT AN EAGLES FAN! I really don't follow football but if I do I'm all for the Pittsburgh Steelers - below are pics of an office day we had in support of the Eagles going to the Super Bowl.
I'm not one for "new years resolutions" so I think of a few "goals" I would like to achieve throughout the year and start there. This year is a good year to work on finances and a family vacation with the kids. It's been a long time since I took the kids on a vacation - long overdue. I practice yoga 5+ days a week, it keeps me centered, so I plan on incorporating new classes into my routine. I think I've set some realistic goals for 2018!
Finally! Christmas tree is up and decorated. I was a week behind with my holiday decorating but thanks to Gracie and all her help with decorating and wrapping presents we are just about ready for Christmas.
This year the kids went to spend Thanksgiving with their dad and family in Altoona. Jason and I went down to Virginia where I got to meet his family and enjoy a nice Thanksgiving dinner.