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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Summer Camp Fun

Summer camp has come to an end and the kids will back to school in just a few short weeks. Below are a few pics of Gracie from carnival day and mismatch day at camp.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Wholehearted Parenting Manifesto by Brene Brown

See the link below to view Brene Brown's reading of The Wholehearted Parenting Manifesto on the Oprah Show.
Parents Manifesto by Brene Brown

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

NY Rangers Baby!

I'm not one for heels but I would sport these babies around for sure!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Gracie's Recital "A Step In Time" - June 2013

It's hard to believe that Gracie just finished her 3rd year of dance.  It's always amazing to see how far Gracie and her friends have come and to see all their hardwork come to life during their recital performance(s).  This year Gracie's class had three performances (ballet, tap and jazz).  All I can say is...MY DAUGHTER WAS ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!

It's all about the hair and makeup!

Jake, daddy, mommy and Gracie!

Gracie & her big brother Georgie!

My two redheads....

Tap Costume

Ballet Costume

Jazz Costume

Gracie's Dance Class in Tap Costume

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Wilmington, NC 2013

Me, Jake and Gracie took a roadtrip down to Wilmington, NC over the 4th of July holiday to see my dad and Aunt Linda. Below are some pics from our trip.

Pop Pop, Grace & Jake

Me and my babies

USS North Carolina (battleship) Pops, Aunt Linda, Grace & Jake

Aquarium - Pops & Kidos



Kids onboard the USS North Carolina

Carlina Beach!

Carlolina Beach

Aunt Linda & Gracie aboard the USS North Carolina

Friday, June 14, 2013

My Two Little Clowns

Jacob & Gracie...taking a break from fighting and arguing
to smile for a pic for mom!

Hard to Believe..

George and Lil' George - 1992
It's hard to believe my baby boy is 21 years old!

Memorial Day Weekend Trip to Altoona

Below are a few from our visit home to Altoona over Memorial Day weekend.  It was great to see and spend time with the family!

Grace & Blane
Jake & James
Grace & Larissa
Adam & Dad
George, Patrick, Colette & Mom
Wondeful ME!

My Three Favorite Men!

I finally got a pic of the George and the boys!

Me and My Boy!

Dodgers Win The Minor League Championship!

Dodgers win Minor League Championship 13-2! Wahooo....

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My Little Slugger - Jacob Matthew Clapper - Dodgers (11 Years Old)

Jacob Matthew Clapper
Slugger, 1st and 2nd baseman this year!

Celebration of My Mother's Life

We have three days we celebrate in honor of my mom during the month of May.  May 3rd (day she went to be with our Lord), May 12th (Mother's Day) and May 17th (my mom's birthday).  My mom passed in 2010, she would have turned 64 this year. Since my mom passed I wanted to do something special for her each year so I decided that in May I would set balloons free along the Susquehanna River in her memory.  I normally do this by myself, but this year Gracie joined me.  A little story about the balloons...Grace and I went to the store and I let her pick out three balloons (one for mom's birthday, one for Mother's Day and one for the anniversary of her passing).  Gracie picked one that said Happy Birthday and had a big cupcake on it (for her bday), the other balloon was of a bouquet of flowers (for Mother's Day) and the last ballon Gracie picked out in honor of my mom's passing was of "Elmo" - heard me right...Elmo from Sesame Street. I looked and stared at the balloon for a minute and thought "no" and thein it dawned on me...OMG my mother LOVED ELMO - she even had a tickle me Elmo doll (you had to know my mom to understand LOL). I took that as a sign that my mom was with us.  I told the story of Elmo to Gracie and how Grandma would love to have the balloon set free in her memory.  Below are some pics of our trip to the Harvey Taylor Bridge where we said a few prayers in honor of my mother and we set the balloons free along the river.  I love and miss my mom tremendously, but it saddens me even more that my children will never know her.  Georgie will, but Jake and Gracie have little, if any, memory of my mother because they were so young.  Last night I was sad and missing my mom and Gracie goes "mommy...your mother is always with you" - That little girl just knows how to make everything all better sometimes!

Brownie to Junior Girl Scout

Last night Gracie had her Girl Scout bridging ceremony and is no longer a Brownie...she is now a Junior Girl Scout. Girl Scouts is and has been nothing but a positive experience for Gracie.  It's helped with her social skills, she's made great friends, she's learning about our community and is developing great leadership skills. I personally feel that being part of the Girl Scouts is going to aid in Gracie becoming a well-rounded young lady.  Below are some pics prior to and after the ceremony. I will try and upload two small video clips I took too.



Junior Girl Scout

Saturday, May 18, 2013

My Dad & Mom - Back in the Day

It's an old, faded picture, but I love it.  My dad & mom....

Family Portrait

I don't have any family portraits from back when I was a kid, but I do have one of me, my sister, my pops and my mom which I attached (see below).  It's from back in the 90s and it sits right here on my desk at work where I can look at it every day.  Brings back so many memorys....

Friday, May 17, 2013

Happy Birthday Mom!

~ Happy Birthday In Heaven Mom ~
You may not be with us any longer, but I know you are in good hands.

May 17, 1949 - May 03, 2010