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Showing posts with label Recital Picture Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recital Picture Day. Show all posts

Monday, April 11, 2011

Gracie - Recital Picture Day -


I think she is so beautiful, I really do. This past Saturday all the dancers had their portraits taken in their recital costumes. What time slot did we fall under? The 8:30 a.m. timeslot! I made sure we got up extra early so she would look well-rested for her portraits.  I did her hair and makeup the best I could but the day of the recital (in June) I am going to take her to have her hair and makeup done by a stylist. I really don't think she needs makeup at all but have been told that this is the norm for dancers - which I know nothing about because I never participated in dance when I was younger. When I first saw the costumes I was so happy I think I had tears in my eyes - after having two boys I am so grateful to have a little girl I can spoil and do girly stuff with - and believe me....she is all girl - thank god she did not end up being a tom boy like I thought she would be because she had two older brothers - she is truly a blessing.