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Showing posts with label Dance Recital 2016. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dance Recital 2016. Show all posts

Monday, June 13, 2016

Gracie's Dance Recital "Broadway Bound" - June 10, 2016

Gracie has been in dance for six years and this year she opted to go with hip hop instead of tap, ballet, and jazz.  Her class performed the "Carlton Dance" to Tom Jone's song "It's Not Unusual To Be Loved By Someone" - all the girls did a great job.  Mommy and Aunt Audie were there to to cheer the girls on.  The night was filled with three long, lovely hours of nothing but dance (yeah, I'm being a little sarcastic LOL)

 Gracie full makeup - costume
Gracie in full make-up
Aunt Audie & Gracie
Mommy & Gracie