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Friday, February 15, 2013


Gracie decided to give up "sucking her thumb" for lent this year.  She normally sucks her thumb at night when she goes to bed so George helped her out and taped up both her thumbs for her so I had to get a few pictures of it while she was sleeping.  The child was in total disbelief this morning when she woke up...if only you could have seen the expression on her face as she was telling me how she went the whole night without sucking her was too cute.  As for me...I am going to focus on "eating clean".  Jacob has given up sweets and to be honest, nobody in the house has a choice but to eat healthy because I got rid of all the junk food and replaced it all with healthier options! Oh but dad did sent me and Gracie two HUGE CHOCOLATE HEARTS for Valentine's Day. Mine is up in my closet so I can indulge when lent is over! Gracie hid her in her bedroom so Jacob can't find it LOL.

~One of Gracie's thumbs all taped up~
My baby girl...trying to give up "thumb sucking"

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