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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Gracie's Birthday Bowling Party with Family and Friends

We opted for a party outside the house this year (way too much cleanup recommened for house parties) and we had it at the local bowling alley. It was alot of fun and very entertaining to say the least. Friends and neighbors joined us (Tracy, Ethan, Bianca, Jordan and Griffin) and made the day extra special for Gracie. I chose cupcakes this year rather than a birthday cake - just easier if you ask me!  I am all about "easy" the older I get. We have Big George's birthday at the end of June and Jake's 10th birthday on July 24th - he will become a double-digit midget and he requested to have a "cookout" at the house uggg......I can't win:)

Daddy & Gracie

Mommy & Gracie

Big Bro Georgie

Jacob, Ethan, Griffin, Bianca and Jordan


Opening presents!

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